
Explication of Dulce Et Decorum Est

Good Essays

Explication of Dulce Et Decorum Est

The poem doesn’t really tell a story, but walks through all the dreadful situations through the eyes of an innocent and shell-shocked soldier. It is told through a WWI veteran’s point of view in second person. By examining this “war” poem and Wilfred Owen’s background, it is reasonable to believe that Own is talking about his experience during war. Therefore making the speaker, he himself. Owen is talking to everyone that does not know the realistic feeling of war up in the frontlines. He painfully expresses all the horrific scenes he had to go through. Through remembering it, his description of the mood is very dreary and cold. It kills all sense of joy and secures one in pity and sorrow. …show more content…

However, the poem does include a reference of a dead man’s face to the devils. He says that the man’s face looks like a “devil’s sick of sin”. Owen also makes a reference to the guns of that time. He talks about the danger and terror brought by the “Five-Nines”. With such powerful images and connections, one can better understand the horror and pain that must have existed in that soldier’s life.
Imagery: The majority of the poem is making connections. This poem lacks certain factors such as a lot of personification, but it makes up for these defects through the use of many metaphors and similes. Using these, Owen greatly portrays the pain felt by the soldiers and their “coughing” and sickness throughout the “green sea” of gas. These powerful images create a better picture of the harsh conditions of fighting in World War I.
Musical Devices
Rhyme Scheme: The rhyme scheme throughout the poem is ABABCDCDEFEFGHGHIJIJKLKLMNMN. This rhyming pattern is very formal as each rhyming couplet is a true rhyme. They all fit perfectly and Wilfred Owen even intertwines some internal rhyme such as “you too” in this poem. The rhyming patterns throughout create a better flow for readers as they better understand this poem’s meaning.
Rhythm or Meter: There are a lot of patterns of rhythm in this poem. In the rhyme scheme, there are ten masculine rhymes with four feminine rhymes tied in. This mixture of rhythms

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