
Why Xbox Is Better

Satisfactory Essays

Xbox is Better

Xbox has many more features than other consoles. In many different ways it can be cheaper than let's say the PS4. The Xbox is very easy to learn about how to use it. Many people use it to just watch movies or Netflix. Many apps are free on Xbox and if some cost money, then they will have a free trial! There are different platforms that you can play Xbox on. Xbox also has many more games you can play right now! Also more are being added every day. There are so many reasons why Xbox is clearly better.

Game trading is a very big thing on Xbox that excites many fans. It's very easy to do just put your friends account on your Xbox, and make it your home Xbox and you have all of his games! It doesn't cost a penny to do it either, so what’s the worry. You can also do it to where your friend can have all of your games too. Just do the process the other way around, It's that easy! You will have so many games in just a few minutes who wouldn't want that? This is one of the best Ideas Xbox or any other console has come up with! …show more content…

Microsoft (the maker of the Xbox one) lets you play Xbox games on your computer. It's a fun and exciting way to communicate with others across the world! Windows 10 allows you to look who’s online on your friends list with the Xbox one app. With Xbox you have Netflix and all your other basic apps plus more. There are so many ways to communicate with people on Xbox and there are even more ways to come! Everything that is happening with Xbox is making the community

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