
Persuasive Essay On Why Kids Should Get A Xbox

Satisfactory Essays

We should get a xbox for many reasons. A couple of them could be people that have video game systems are more creative than people who don’t. Xboxes can also increase self-confidence and hand and eye coordination. It can also make an intrest for kids or potential video game design.

They can make it easier to socialize without leaving the house. Kids can chat with friends on it through messages or if they get a xbox live we can play certain games together and talk to each other over a microphone. If you don’t kids on it so much socailizing you could put limits on them for how long we play or put them in general room in the house so you can see how long we are playing on it and there are restrictions you can put on it as well.

Xboxes can …show more content…

With lego games kids are encourage to build and can be more creative — along with some other games to. In most games there are achievements which kids get rewards from and then kids will try to achieve things to get himself a reward to — like being more responsible with siblings and that could get you to watch your sibling(s) when their parents are gone. Or get better grades which can get them taken out to dinner or if they keep it up longer their parents might have a special reward for them.

If parents think that kids should not get one because kids would be on it too long or their behavior would change; that might happen, but the parents could prevent that from happening. The parent just needs to address the child and tell them they only have a certain amount of time per day to be on it or if you have a kid that doesn’t listen then you can set limits on the xbox.

Parents can have many impacts on how the Xbox is used from setting limits to using it themselves. If a parent doesn’t want their kid(s) to have it then they don’t have to get one for them. Before parents set their minds they should consider the pros and cons of having one. Xbox's can have impacts on the kids — they can be good and sometimes bad (but mainly

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