
Why We Didn T Start The Fire

Decent Essays

On February 16, 1959 Fidel Castro was sworn in as prime minister of Cuba. Cuba was the first communist state on the west side of the world. Castro has had more than 600 assassination attempts on him. His fight for prime minister of Cuba was not an easy task for him. He had to fight for it. Castro led 160 of his men in a attack on Moncada Barracks. His plan was to take weapons and tell of his revolution from the Barracks radio station, but most of his men died and Castro got arrested and put on trial for trying to overthrow the Cuban government. He argued that he was trying to make a democracy in Cuba but he still got 15 years in prison. Then two years later prime minister Batista let him got because he felt that Castro wouldn’t try attacking the Cuban government again. He later went to his brother Raul in Mexico and planned another attack on the Cuban government, but with only had 81 people to fight with him. On December 2, 1956 his 81 men landed on the Cuban coast. All but Castro, Raul, and ten other were killed or captured. Then they retreated and started guerrilla warfare on the Cuban government and caused …show more content…

He was a big threat to America and was controversial because of the things he did. Castro’s fire started when he withdrew American aid on the island and started a communist government to join with Soviet Union. Which made America worried about what they would do next. So the CIA launched a attack on the Cuban government which failed because Castro’s communist friends from the Soviet Union supported him and placed nuclear missiles in Cuba. Which lead to the “Cuban Missile Crisis”. Then Cuba later agreed that if America would not attack Cuba the missiles would be removed. Overall Castro was a controversial man that ran a country with communist government, staying in prime minister for thirty-two

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