
Why Is Employee Training A Waste Of Time

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The article, " Why Your Employee Training Is A Waste Of Time And Money -- And What To Do About It" , by Christo Popov seeks to address how training of employees is expensive and worthless to the company and how it does not increase performance. The research problem being addressed is whether employee training is a waste of time and money and if the company is selecting the right personnel in the critical skills for the business`s stage of development and what are the shortfalls of the program.
It is clear from the title of the article that this is no simple issue. In fact, the article`s can be misleading at a glance. The author starts by saying that companies that are up to present codes of practice will beat their competition in the present day, however in order to do this the company has to learn quickly and it cost the company more in 2014 to financially to do this.
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The author speaks from personal training and development experience and lists the following as common problems: no strategic focus to training, not being useful and interesting, and training in long marathon sessions rather than short bites. In addition, fixes to these common problems are discussed. First, organizations should plan first and train later. Creating a strategy and execution plan will ensure core skills and competencies will be addressed. Next, organizations may consider finding trainers that have actually worked in the field they are training for. Other fixes discussed include: “plan for sprints, not a marathon,” “road test the training,” and “spend less, not more.” These suggestions can help companies avoid common mistakes in employee training

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