
Why Is Barbie Fatal Or Flawless

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Barbie: Flawless or Fatal Young Girls look up to many people as role models, one role model that plays an immense part in their lives is Barbie. Barbie is defined as being pretty, beautiful, and even perfect. But is she really that wonderful as she seems? Her body shape is completely inaccurate representation of the female body and people get easily influenced by these unrealistic standards. If no one steps up to help young girls realize that Barbie is not perfect then they will have dissatisfaction with themselves forever. Body dissatisfaction is becoming more and more popular and one reason is that Barbie presents an unrealistic body image that affects young girls and their idea of a perfect life.
Unrealistic Standards When it comes to young children they are easily influenced by their surroundings. So when little girls see and hear certain …show more content…

If people will speak up about how Barbie affects people, society will start to realize that having the skinniest waist or having no body fat is not what life is about. Many people are starting to take a stand. A man named Nickolay Lamm created a doll called The Lammily Doll. “That’s why graphic designer turned toymaker Nickolay Lamm created the lammily doll — what the Barbie would look like if she actually had the measurements of an average 19-year-old woman’s body” (Stampler). People started reacting in such a positive way. “I wanted to show that reality is cool,” Lamm says. “And a lot of toys make kids go into fantasy, but why don’t they show real life is cool” (Stampler). Women are effected by body image almost every day and it starts when they are young. The article Effects of the Media on Body Image says “from 1988 to 1993 the number of incidences of bulimia in women between the ages of 10 and 39 has more than tripled” (Kovar). Instead of bringing down women society needs to bring them

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