
Barbie Madness By Cynthia Tucker Summary

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Everyday we see young girls look to idols such as people and even play toys. Such thoughts make young girls feel they are not good enough and to strive to look like a doll a very important topic is slightly broken down in an article written by Cynthia Tucker called Barbie Madness. While she touches on the topic of how kids love their toys such as Barbie dolls, she discusses how obsessed they become in looking like them. However, even though she points out that children look up to Barbies, she turns it back around on the parents, stating that they play a much bigger role in their lives than any toy would. Breaking down the article the writer really shows how children are influenced by their environment, their parents, and how its important to encourage them to be themselves. At first as she brings the readers in she explains how the Barbie doll seems harmless. It’s just something she plays with, some would say. What people don't realize that at a very young age children notice the world around them. They not only see it in their toys but television ads, the radio in the car, and even from friends at school. It’s installed in their minds that the world expects you to look a certain way and if you don't fit the profile your not pretty. Such requirements and rules girls put on themselves is stressful and can be damaging. …show more content…

In Miss Tuckers article she says even more pressure comes from a child’s own parents. This isn't just for those parents who shame their children or encourage them to be cool, this is even for those who don't know their doing it. Has there ever been a time where you found yourself looking in the mirror and verbally discouraging your own looks? Did you even notice if she was in the room, or standing by the door? Its times like these where a child hears you put yourself down, and then thinks its okay to do the same to

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