
What Is The Robot Path Planning Robot?

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Abstract- This paper proposed another robot navigation algorithm in light of gene expression programming, and introduced another idea named "parallel-chromosome" to mitigate the downside that the robot can't move back when meeting obstacles and proposed an extraordinary encoding technique to lessen the space cost. A "fitness function penalty" was advanced to choose the fitness values. Trials demonstrate that BPGEP beats conventional GA-based algorithms by altogether enhancing the success rate of finding an optimal path.

Keywords- Gene Expression Programming, Path Planning, Parallel-Chromosome, Fitness Function Penalty, Mutation
Automation has turned into an amazingly quickly developing marvel affecting all features of …show more content…

Also a new population encoding method was developed to reduce the storage space. This paper displays the research and simulations investigations of another quality gene expression programming (GEP) based path-planning model which has been connected in the real time environment.

A. Importance and Significance of the Topic
Robot path-planning is a piece of an expansive class of issues relating to scheduling and routing. Few techniques have been connected to the robot navigation problem. The previous techniques used showed that when a robot meets an obstacle, it was not able to avoid it and would follow the straight path as it could only move vertical and horizontal directions. With further progress in algorithms, the robot could in diagonal direction along with it horizontal and vertical movement property but there remained one major drawback. The robot did not have the capability to backtrack and avoid obstacles. An algorithm which would help the robot move back and avoid obstacles was needed. This paper used a phenomenon name “Parallel-Chromosome” which helped to improve the efficiency of finding an optimal path and it improved the search space and the robot’s moving flexibility.


A 2D path planner is used for the path planning and it determines the length and width of the search space. The path planner also shows the location of the known obstacles with some marking. Start and end point are also

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