
What Are The Three Branches

Decent Essays

Our founding fathers met together on a warm summer day in the May of 1787, and wrote our Constitution, serving as the supreme law of the United States. This particular piece of paper has set the laws of the U.S, and acts as the foundation of it’s national government. However, this government is not ruled by one single person for that would be a dictatorship; something that the founding fathers wanted to stray from. The government is a republic democracy, in which the citizens vote for other people to represent them. These people then work in different branches, but what are exactly are “branches”? The branches are split up “pieces” of the entire government, and in the Constitution it has stated that our government is to consist of three branches. These three branches are: the …show more content…

Bicameralism is a system in which the legislative branch is split into chambers (The Constitution). One chamber is the House of Representatives, which in total has 435 members to represent the 50 states populations individually. The other chamber would be the Senate, in which all 50 states each equally have 2 members to represent them, making up a total count of 100 members. The Congress, another name for the legislative branch, has this system for smaller states would have equal representation so states are more “involved”, whereas the House of Representatives are based off of population to represent its people. By having this system, it makes the process of a bill becoming an official law a long and painful process. Of course, having this long process can be a good thing for it acts as a giant filter for corrupt laws, but it has its cons. Even though this branch is in charge of writing federal laws to help protect its citizens and promote the general welfare, middle and lower class citizens do not have much of a say in the process of making these laws. For

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