
Whaling In Japan Research Paper

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Japan is one of the few countries that support the practice whaling. For decades, the country has continued to maintain its right to whale and shown aggressively lobbying with the International Whaling Commission (IWC) for reconsideration of commercial whaling. Commercial whaling is a practice that involves the hunting and killing whales for their oil meat, or whalebone. With their pro-stance on whaling, Japan has faced strong international criticism especially from environmentalists and Western governments, which view Japan as obstructing international efforts to protect these mammals. This paper will argue that Japan should not be forced to remove the practice of commercial whaling in order to satisfy the international views. This is because …show more content…

But, soon after the 17th century the advance development of its whaling techniques in which created a system that involved hunting in groups and introduced a hand-held harpoons. A great portion of Japanese has obtained their food, oil, and other resource materials from whales. This was very prominent during and after the Second World War of which the food resources were scarce. In 1947, the consumption of whale meat made up almost half of the all-animal protein consumed by the country, but as of now, whales makes up nearly one-quarter of the Japanese diet (Barclay et al.). Once again the whale meat was hunted to provide an economical source of protein, which later became the staple of the Japanese for years to come. With further improvements of in the 1900’s and the continuous demand of whale meat, Japan would later reach an obstacle that would prevent them from continuing whaling. In 1982, the International Whaling Commission (IWC) established a resolution that commercial whaling was unethical. The decision by the commission did not enact till 1986. With the constant urge to challenge the courts decision, Japan finally submitted after the United States put pressure on them by restricting the country from hunting in the waters surrounding Alaska. Later on, the United States would go ahead with a ban not only for …show more content…

Even with the court-ruled decision by the IWC, the opponents felt that it was not as decisive as they would have hoped for. The IWC has defended most of Japan’s whaling insisting to those that oppose that the research is solely for research implying that the majority of whales killed by Japan are taken in an internationally designated haven, which Japan has chosen to ignore (MacKenzie). The idea of the “Whale Wars” is likely to continue by animal rights activist and anti-whaling governments. The United Nation’s International Court of Justice (ICJ) later ruled that Japan’s scientific research program JARPA II was not what it was suppose to be. This ruling has also barred Japan from whaling in the Antarctic (MacKenzie). This ruling momentarily stopped Japan vessels from whaling. In June of 2014, the Prime Minister in Japan Shinzo Abe, showed defiance of the International Courts’ ruling as he was quoted in say “to aim for resumption of commercial whaling by conducting whaling research in order to obtain scientific date indispensable for the management of whale,” which is essentially saying Japan will continue to kill whales until it is proven that it is okay to kill whales (Hays). The statements made by the Prime Minister were viewed as disappointment. Greenpeace

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