
Wear Guns Research Papers

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More Guns Does Not Mean Less Shootings After shootings on college campuses occur for example the Virginia Tech massacre, the Kentucky State shootings, and the Northern Illinois University shooting, many people started to question the safety of the students. Many college students came up with the bright idea that bringing concealed guns to school will help them protect themselves from possible shootings and some are lobbying for it to become legal in colleges that don’t allow it. However, allowing students to carry guns on school campuses will not make it safer. In fact, it will do the opposite. If concealed guns were permitted on college campuses it would create an unhealthy, paranoid environment that students don’t feel safe in. There are …show more content…

However, their statement is not backed up by any proof as said by the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA), “There is no credible statistical evidence demonstrating that the presence of students carrying concealed weapons would reduce violence on our college campuses…In fact, the evidence suggests that permissive concealed carry laws generally will increase crime” (Dickerson 3). The population of colleges are mostly students that are 24 or under, which is the around the age the brain usually stops growing. (Dickerson 5) “As Dr. Ken Winters of University of Minnesota has explained, ‘By age 18, the adolescent’s judgment for structured challenges is roughly equal to that of adults. But judgment that involves resisting impulses or delaying gratification is still under construction during late adolescence and early adulthood’ ” (Dickerson 5). Some would argue that since 18 is the age that one can marry, join the military, adopt a child, and do other “adult” responsibilities, students in college should be able to protect themselves with guns. However, looking at what Dr. Winters said, the majority of college students are not ready to have that kind of responsibility since they can be unpredictable and do tend to do more things on impulses. If they were allowed to have guns on campuses, people on campus would be in danger. On top of the fact that their brains haven’t finished growing, the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University say “ ‘[N]early half of America’s full-time college students abuse drugs and drink alcohol on binges at least once a month.’ Another study found that alcohol is involved in 95% of the violent crime on campus” (Students 3). Combining alcohol, drugs and guns could lead to a tremendous increase of deadly violence on

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