
Why Guns Should Not Be Allowed On College Campuses

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In 2007, 32 students and teachers die after being held at gunpoint on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University by a student, Seung Hui Cho, who attended the school later on dies from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. In all 27 students and 5 faculty members died. I really think that guns shouldn't be allowed on college campuses at all because it will cause a distraction from the learning environment, would lead to an increased number of suicides by college students, a gun might go off by accident, most college students are too young to carry a concealed handgun license, and school shootings don't happen that often and college campuses are very safe so, therefore, there is no need to carry a concealed weapon on a campus. …show more content…

Concealed weapons would not only cause a distraction from learning of college students but it will also cause a distraction moviegoers from enjoying movies or office workers from doing their job. This would also would also increase the number of suicides. Research shows that 90% of suicides are committed off campus and most college students 21 and up live off campus. 21 is the minimum age to carry a concealed handgun license in most states. Wondering whether or not the people around in class, or the professors, are secretly carrying a loaded gun is slightly undermining and could be harmful for a positive learning environment. Someone looking to attack a school or university campus is on a mission with little concern for their own outcome, so the possibility of other people being armed wouldn’t be a strong leash. Concealed guns being present in class could serve as distraction and a fear for students, overcoming the gun’s ability to possibly serve as protection in case of a threat. having a legal concealed carry is a personal decision for many people in consideration to their individual safety. This is why handguns should not be permitted on college

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