
Was The Mexican-American War Justified?

Decent Essays

Have you ever worked really hard to obtain something, but have had it taken away from you as soon as you get it? How did you feel? You probably weren’t happy about it. This is basically how the Mexicans felt when the U.S declared war on them. In 1821 Mexico had declared its independance from Spain. As soon as Mexico declared independance they invited American settlers into the province of Texas so that Mexico could boost economy and population. For Mexico, it turned out horrible because the Americans believed in basically everything opposite to what the Mexicans believed in. In 1836 after a few battles at places such as the Alamo, the people of Texas won their independance from Mexico. Then when James Polk was elected president of the United …show more content…

According to Charles Sumner, from “Objections to the Mexican-American War”, he states, “Our (American) Newspapers excited the lust of territorial robbery in the public mind.” This quote shows that even a state legislator from Massachusetts admits that the United States stole land from Mexico. In another quote from Charles Sumner’s “Objections to the Mexican-American War”, he states “Certainly Mexico might justly charge our citizens with disgraceful robbery.” This evidence shows that the United States already stole land from Mexico and that it was unjust to go to war with …show more content…

According to James Polk’s War Message,Washington, May 11, 1846, he states “I had ordered an efficient military to take position between the Nueces and the Del Norte.” This quote proves that between the Nueces and the Del Norte was Mexico’s land, that Mexico was just trying to protect. According to Jesus Velasco-Marquez from “A Mexican Viewpoint on the War With the United States”, Jesus states, “In the eyes of the [Mexican] government, the mobilization of the US army was an outright attack on Mexico.” This evidence shows that Mexico viewed the mobilization of the U.S army as an attack on them, and that Mexico wasn’t trying to escalate things, they were just trying to protect their

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