
DBQ Essay: The Mexican War

Decent Essays

The Mexican War was viewed as one of the most controversial wars in United States history. Originating from the annexation of Texas, or the lack thereof in Mexico’s eyes, the final spark to cause the war was an incident between soldiers of both countries in disputed land. Both Mexico and the US claimed to have been provoked by the other, and that they were only protecting their country. Many US citizens argued the war, as it appeared President Polk was using it for reasons other than self defense. By going to war with Mexico, the US faced the possibility of gaining much more of Mexico’s land and extending slavery in the country. The United States' decision to go to war with Mexico was based on a desire to extend slavery, to gain land they had …show more content…

After Mexico had declared their independence from Spain, Americans were encouraged to settle there, as population was sparse. Americans were sold land at a low price as long as they agreed to follow Mexican law, which mean slavery was prohibited. Despite their instruction, Americans brought over large amounts of slaves anyway (Document D). As Americans began to outnumber Mexicans, nothing could be done to enforce the “Mexican ordinance of freedom” (Document D). Mexico did nothing to wrong the United States in this situation, and certainly not anything that would warrant a …show more content…

Manifest destiny was used as an excuse for America claiming land it had never had any right to. Americans wanted to extend slavery and saw taking land from Mexico as a way to do so. President Polk set the perfect opportunity to get Mexicans to attack US soldiers, so he would have grounds for war. None of these were justified reasons for war, and only caused a larger rift to form within the nation. The United States’ unjustified decision to go to war with Mexico was a driving force in dividing the nation, ultimately leading to the Civil

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