
Unit 2 Health And Social Care Case Studies

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Case two I looked after a South africian woman, Lisa (pseudeum), who was a 32 years old community woman having her second baby. She wanted a vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC) after a traumatic caesarean section back home. Lisa described her first birth as what seemed to be failure to progress, but with no notes this is not certain. She felt she was not provided enough information, fully informed or given any choices with her care during her entire labour, birth and postnatally. She felt a lack of dignity during many examinations and a loss of control over her birth. Therefore, she was determined to have a physiological vaginal birth and came with a specific birth plan with what she wanted and did not want. Her labour started outside of this plan, her membranes ruptured prior to labour commencing and due to being under the community team, she presented to hospital for core staff to confirm this. She was then sent home and reappeared in early labour, Lisa then proceeded to go home again and come back which is when I took over her care. She was still in early labour, but did not want to remain at home and due to her almost being within the time frame of commencing antibiotics for PROM, inaddition to being a VBAC and requiring additional fetal monitoring once in established labour in view of scar rupture, the charge decided she could remain an inpatient. …show more content…

Therefore I provided her time to feel heard, listened to and understood. She debriefed with me and provided me the opportunity to establish a mutual partnership with her and gain an understanding of her desires for this birth {Standard one,

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