
Unit 1 Health And Social Care Case Study

Decent Essays

While these questions are essentially asking the same question, the wording might make it confusing to some readers. Question one is vague and brief, but the wording is more comfortable and straightforward; “Do you favor or oppose expanding Medicare to provide health insurance to every American?” This question leaves the consumer with an ultimatum, whether they are for or against insuring all Americans. In which case, most people don’t want to seem like the ‘bad guy’ and will vote in favor of.
Question two explains with more detail the measures that would need to be taken in order to create or expand health insurance to every American, which in turn, makes it sound more complicated and how taxes would be increased. Most American’s do not want their taxes increased so they have an easier time voting opposed.
In my opinion, question two is clearer because it’s explaining the personal costs that come along with expanding health insurance to every American even those who can’t afford it.
Wording is important in consumer health, especially for polling when the consumer can’t see your facial expressions or even has enough background information about the topic. If you want accurate results, you not only have to ask which side the consumer is on but also state the personal costs …show more content…

When considering, you need to be able to adjust your diet. For example, if you are someone who eats high fat fast-food 4 out of 7 days of the week, consider changing those number to only one out of 7 days a week and home cook your meals instead so that you know exactly what you are putting into your body. Being informed about your daily environment is also important I would say, staying away from smokers would be a good start and finally understanding risks and options as well as costs. Not only medical bills but nursery costs and baby essentials like diapers or formula if you decide not to breast

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