
U.s. Policy Making Process

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In order to effectively comprehend the United States of America’s (U.S.) policy making process, one must, accordingly, understand the various stages as well as the institutions involved in the same. More particularly, there are four key institutions involved in the U.S.’ policy making process; each of which play a significant role in the various stages of the process. Specifically, the U.S. policymaking process is comprised of four stages, to wit: agenda setting, formulation, implementation, and evaluation. First, the agenda setting stage is concerned with the specific problems of the public that the government aims to solve. Next, the formulation stage, or the “nuts and bolts” of policymaking, is the point when policymakers attempt to resolve the problem by creating new laws and policies. Thereafter, the new laws and policies that have been created are put into play in the implementation stage. Finally, in the evaluation stage is when policymakers assess whether the new laws and/or policies are working as intended, and whether it resolved the problem it was designed to target. (Moats, 2016, Congress: The Legislative Branch). Moreover, there are key institutions that are involved at the aforesaid various stages within the policymaking process, to wit: Congress, the President, the Bureaucracy, and finally, the Courts. More specifically, Congress is what is referred to as the “absolute center” of policymaking in the US – decides who gets what, when, and how.

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