
Two Boys Kissing

Decent Essays

The beginning of Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan is a beautiful introduction into what is sure to be a meaningful and impactful look into the lives of queer youth in modern times. His choice of narration, the gay men of the past who suffered and died during the AIDs epidemic of the 1980s serves only to make the voice of the story more powerful. The love stories that are introduced and expanded upon in the first 42 pages of the book are exciting, but also saddening, stories of hope and fear and darkness, all of which come together to grab the reader’s attention and hold it until the very end of the book. Indeed, I would like to focus on the narrators in my reflection. The depth they add to the stories of Craig and Harry, Neil and Peter, Ryan and Avery, Tariq, even lonesome Cooper, is a large part of what makes the novel so moving. …show more content…

When the narrators say, “Things are not magical because they’ve been conjured for us by some outside force. They are magical because we create them, and then deem them so.” (Levithan 9), it helps capture the moment that Avery and Ryan have found themselves in, sure, but it also brings to mind moments when the reader themselves has felt this magic, the pull of destiny which almost all of us can say we’ve felt. The beauty of Ryan and Avery’s beginning is the same beauty of many other beginnings, in my life and in the lives of others. Ryan and Avery’s gay prom is the start of something new and beautiful for the both of them, and it is a pleasant reminder of many beginnings in my own life. The start of a new romance is fun and exciting, something which Levithan did a good job of capturing, with the narrators echoing sentiments felt by many but difficult to put into

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