
To What Extent Did The New Deal Dbq Essay

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In 1929, the stock market crashed and soon after that The Great Depression started. It was the deepest and longest lasting economic fall in history. In 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt wanted to help the people and make a difference. Problems in the Great Depression that Franklin D. Roosevelt wanted to change was the fact that people didn’t have any jobs, and that people didn’t have any money because of a bank failure. Some fiscal policy programs that franklin did to combat The Great Depression were Works Progress Administration (WPA), and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). The Great Depression caused many people to be unemployed, and many people to be broke because of the banks and government, and the programs that help the people include Work Progress Administration (WPA) and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).
One problem that America experienced as a result of The Great Depression was that people were unemployed. This means that many people lost their jobs, and they were unable to find any work. In document B the graph shows that in 1929, the unemployment rate decreased, it went from being 1 million, to being about 13 million unemployed in 1933. This is explaining how drastically the unemployment rate dropped in that time period. Unemployment impacted the U.S by not having anyone to work the companies or in the factories and so …show more content…

Roosevelt used to combat The Great Depression was the Work Progress Administration (WPA). In document E it says that the purpose of the program is the government gave the unemployed work in construction and art projects. In document I it explains how they put the people to work. The document says that the employment accomplishment greatly needed the projects to stimulate and reorganize the use of our natural resources. This fiscal policy program sought to accomplish to get people to work and to allow them to get money. Another thing it accomplished was that made more products to

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