
The New Deal Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

The New Deal

Franklin D. Roosevelt led his presidency for three terms, from 1934-1945, leading the nation through the Great Depression and World War II. Franklin D. Roosevelt and his administration developed a more elaborate program to the New Deal; the New Deal enforced more power for the federal government in the United States. In Document 1, Meridel Lesueur wrote for New Masses on January 1932, emphasizing on women's position in society. Women in this time were perceived as dependent and Lesueur indicates the government's denial in support for women. On March 7, 1934 a letter was directed to Senator Robert Wagner (Document 2). Senator Robert Wagner contradicted the ideals of the New Deal from Roosevelt’s administration. Wagner led …show more content…

In addition the image is portraying the increasing of the New Deal. In Document 4, William Lloyd Garrison, Jr. wrote for The Nation on November, 14, 1934. In this excerpt Garrison indicates that the New Deal would be an economical help for the Great Depression. The New Deal would initially, “use of authority of government as an organized form of self-help for all classes and groups and sections of our country” (United 1). The beginning of social security and government funding for those who were eligible would benefit from government help. (Document 5). To many American citizens this would help financially which was one of the New Deal’s intentions into omitting the Great Depression. Document 6, establishes the Schechter Poultry Corporation v. United States, in 1935. This case insisted with the invalidated regulations for the poultry industry. Charles Evans Hughes states the majority opinion; the government cannot have jurisdiction with local businesses, “The person employed...are not employed in interstate commerce. The wages have no direct relation to interstate commerce…” (Document 6). Much of the media advocated the New Deal (Document 7). The increasement of social movements in this point of time, people wanted to raise

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