
The Vancouver Island Eco Initiatives

Better Essays

TThe proposal I have selected is the ‘Vancouver Island Eco Initiatives – Request Proposals VIEI – 11- 02’, this proposal talks about creating a support system for the students at Camosun College. It is economically friendly in the way that the ‘re-use, recycle’ method would be put into place at both campuses. The proposal itself says that it will create financial support for students at both campuses, but has very poor English and vocabulary, and the main point is not made clear. Of what I could understand the individual who wrote this paper wants to set up a student funded flea market of sorts, where students could buy tables from Costco that cost $20 and sell their textbooks, non-perishable food items, etc at reasonable prices to other students. I recommend for this proposal that whoever wrote it, go back and go through spell check, as words like ‘money’ were spelled incorrectly all the way through, and that a lot of their vocabulary is very basic and hard to follow or understand. ‘The Plan’ section seems more like a budget than anything else, it doesn’t tell you how the student society will be brought into the mix as it mentioned in the Introduction, or how they will garner the attention of students to volunteer and spend the $20.00 on the table, or how the 8 000.00 a year will be distributed among everyone involved. I recommend that the writer re-visit ‘The Plan’ section and actually add in a more detailed plan, including how they plan on getting students involved,

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