
The Roaring Of The 1920s

Decent Essays

There is a controversial debate about the 1920s, whether it was “roaring” or whether is was destitute. In the perspective of some historians, the 1920s brought a rapid increase in urbanization and boom in the economy, however, these historians fail to see the evident terrors that the 1920s brought. The positive uproar on the 1920s did not stand a chance against the rising negative roar of residential schools, the Stock Market Crash, and credit debt. Due to these tragic events, 1920s was brought a dark and negative atmosphere rather than one of contentment. Before the 1920s the attendance at residential schools by Aboriginal children was voluntary, allowing the Aboriginal families to choose the education that their children receive. However, the 1920s brought a mandatory attendance of Aboriginal children to attend residential schools. This mandatory attendance was an attempt to assimilate the Aboriginals into the North American culture, forcing the children of Aboriginal descent to learn the ways of another culture, made to forget their native language and culture. The idea of this was stressed because the government wanted to make Aboriginal “Canadians’ into Canadians and the easiest way for this to happen is by taking Indigenous children from the ages of 7-15 away from their families to attend at these residential schools. Duncan Campbell, superintendent of Indian affairs stated, “The happiest future for the Indian race is absorption into the general population and this

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