
The Poem Of Those Winter Sundays By Robert Hayden

Decent Essays

Fatmata Bangura
ENG 112
Professor Tara Grace
September 20, 2017 Poem: “Those Winter Sundays” by Robert Hayden The poem “Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden was actually about a little boy and his father who has an uninteresting relationship with his dad. In this poem, it tells us the readers about things the father does for his family most especially his son without being rewarded for his hard work. According to the poem, the speaker fears his father so much maybe that is why the speaker(son) father become so wicked to them especially the speaker(son) due to the much pains that his father went through for his family.

The thesis statement in the poem “Those Winter Sundays” is the strong love the father has for this family mostly his son, and how he wasn’t recognized by his family or his son.

The main character in this poem is the speaker. In the poem “Those Winter Sundays” was a man who was reflecting on this past memory when he was a child and the uninteresting relationship between him and his dad. According to the poem “Those Winter Sundays” the speaker says that from him being a little boy to him be an adult now, he also said that he has learned a lot on how to appreciate the love and cares his father’s shows to his family mostly him when he was a very little boy. The speaker also says that he has also learned how hard and difficult and lonely can the duties of any parental love can be and how they are very borne out of their selflessness without any expectation or what so ever. “ No one ever thanked him” ( Line 5). The line sums up the speaker’s relationship to his father. It also means that the speaker didn’t thank him, or even realize all that he’d done for his family.

In setting the poem "Those Winter Sundays" the speaker told us the reader from the present, and also told us about his childhood, how cold it was. How his dad always gets up every day in the cold the weather. According to the speaker's explanation, the speaker makes us imagine him and his family living in a very big, drafty, ramshackle-y old house, with lots of fireplaces. The speaker says

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