
Those Winter Sundays By Robert Hayden

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Those Winter Sundays
In “Those Winter Sundays”, Robert Hayden introduces us to the theme of love unlike in any other poems. The theme of love in this poem is different from any other contemporary love themes because here, Hayden doesn’t talk about the amorously affectionate emotion between young lovers like Romeo and Juliet, but the deep familial love between a parent and a child. This kind of love is not pretentious. Their love is not exhibited by kisses or hugs; while it may go unnoticed it is always in existence. Hayden showcases the love between the parent and a child as the most selfless and strongest love of them all. Hayden defines an unspoken love and offers us a glimpse into an ordinary father-child relationship by the use of literary elements such as sound, point of view of the speaker and imagery with vivid description that includes details that appeal to the senses.
“Those Winter Sundays” is a short lyric poem. It is written in a simple language and is clear and precise. Its metaphors are those of everyday life. The opening stanza of the poem, which refers to “my father,” establishes a first-person speaker. It also shows that the speaker is recalling a time when he was a child. The speaker presents us with the atmosphere around which his father worked. For example in lines one and two, “Sundays too my father got up early/blueblack cold” (1-2). Here the “Sundays”, and the “early” signifies the great devotion of speaker’s father. He gets up early even on Sundays,

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