
The Incident Of Ferguson Is So High Right Now That You Could Cut It With A Knife

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Truth Please, don’t shoot! The tension in Ferguson is so high right now that you could cut it with a knife. This is due to the latest shooting of eighteen year old Michael Brown. On August 9, 2014 Brown was the victim of a fatal shooting by Darren Wilson, a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. Brown and his friend Dorian Johnson were walking down the middle of the street, when Wilson drove up and told them to move to the sidewalk. An altercation occurred between Brown and Wilson struggling through the window of the police car until Wilson’s gun was fired. Brown and Johnson then fled in different directions with Wilson chasing Brown. Wilson then fired shots several more times. A total of twelve shots was fired. Brown was hit by six or seven bullets. The last shot that hit him was the most fatal. Witnesses of the scene had different stories about whether Brown had his hand raised above him or not before he was shot. This incident sparked unrest in Ferguson.
The shooting left the Blacks in the city of Ferguson in a state of outrage. Anger raced through the veins of the citizens which prompted a series of demonstrations, which spread rapidly across the country. Brown’s death sparked protests and discussions about race and the abuse of police power in society. Protests began to flare after the Ferguson police officer was not indicted. St. Louis grand jury brought no criminal charges against Darren Wilson, who shot Michael Brown fatally in nearby Ferguson. The decision of

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