
Facebook Case Analysis

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Facebook (FB) has been dominating the social network industry since its birth in 2004. It was one of the first social platforms that aimed to connect people all over the world together. FB has been successful in establishing its competitive advantage relying in its network effect and its ability to catch up with the competition.
As depicted on Figure II, FB has strength points that include: its long history and its access to global markets over a short period of time, that enabled it to lock in a wide base of users that find it too costly to switch to other networks that don’t provide a strong motivation for switching especially that FB has a strong ability for imitation and integration that led to a growing advertising revenue from different advertisers that find FB to be a great source of data that they can use for segmentation and targeting. FB weakness points are: its high dependency on advertising revenue, its high dependency on games applications revenue and concentration of ownership in the hands of its founder, Mr. Zuckerberg, that seems to be so innovative and successful. However, it is a reason why long term investors may worry because there is no guarantee of the continuous of the long-term success given a single control over a public company. On the external trend, FB has an opportunity to increase its base of mobile users due to the increase of people logging in on-the-go in comparison to computer users. FB has an opportunity to expand using social commerce by

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