
Marketing Strategy Of Facebook

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Facebook is one of the top social media platforms with more than 1.23 billion active users worldwide. 62% of the 1.23 billion users log in on a daily basis making it the best medium to reach for new customers. Today, businesses both big and small use Facebook as an advertising source to help their brand expand.

As 24 Hour Fitness continued with expansion, the marketing team wanted to use social media to increase the number of new memberships. Unlike their system, Facebook allowed a more powerful referral source, directly from a friend or family member. This effort was able to drive more than 300,000 direct referrals in the first three months while integrating Facebook with the existing in-store system. 24 Hour Fitness currently …show more content…

In Twitter, 24 Hour Fitness is direct in asking its followers to interact with its posts. This post is successful because it asks followers to do a specific thing, and asks them to agree or disagree with a positive message which, of course, pushes people to align themselves with the positive message. 24 Hour Fitness promotes the same material on Twitter and Facebook, just with a different introduction. This ensures they widen the net for their content, catching people who might be on Facebook but aren’t on Twitter, or vice versa. Twitter has helped 24 Hour Fitness communicate the brand ethos and personality.

24 Hour Fitness joined Instagram to increase the brand awareness, enhance and complement event experiences and to share the company’s news. 24 Hour Fitness has 479 posts and 24.1 K followers in Instagram.

Instagram, one of the fastest-growing social networking platforms, is used daily by more than half of its 600 million active users. And it's good for more than just posting selfies and brunches. At a time when visual content is critical for any brand to execute on a successful marketing strategy, Instagram presents a unique opportunity to position a brand creatively and showcase its personality. Plus, it's a place where the consumers can see your curated content on the daily without feeling overwhelmed by emails and notifications. Half of the platform's users check their feed multiple times a day.

Integration of Social

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