
The Gmo Debate Is Over Again By Mark Lynas

Good Essays

GMOs are living organisms whose genetic material has been artificially manipulated in a laboratory through genetic engineering. The GMO debate has a huge gap just like the climate change’s ambiguous debate. Some people are for the consumption of it and have as arguments that GMOs will feed the future population of the world that is expected to double in the few years to come, or that scientists can build stronger crops that resist to pests, therefore less use of pesticides. Some are against these ideas because they think that GMOs represent a threat to the environment and that they can cause a lot of health problems. The goal of this paper is to look at two articles “The GMO Debate is Over Again” by Mark Lynas and" Seeds of Evil: Monsanto and Genetic Engineering" by Dr. Joseph Mercola, and see where the use rhetorical strategies are effective and where they are not. …show more content…

The author is very trustworthy and has an interest on the subject, so most of the things he says can be trusted. The author, Mark Lynas uses a good example of logos and ethos at the same time by quoting the scientific community saying that they “found no substantiated evidence that foods from GE crops were less safe than foods from non-GE crops” (1). Being himself a great ethos’ example, he quotes the scientific community which is a great source to trust. The use of logos is effective because he uses facts that the scientists came up with to prove that the GMOs are not dangerous at

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