
The GMO Debate

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Fear of the Unpredictable: Why GMOs are such a Bad Idea In December 2014, a Harvard professor wrote an article outlining the many benefits of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and why it is a good idea to use them. This professor is now surrounded by controversy because he failed to note his connection to the largest producer of GM seeds, Monsanto, who not only told him to write the article but also gave him the major points he was to address. Why was this such a huge deal, and why did Monsanto want a pro-GMO article out there so badly? The GMO debate is largely controversial, but largely misunderstood because of the misinformation given by biased writers, such as John Hibma, a nutritionist and author who wrote the article “More Pros Than Cons.” What many people do not realize is that genetic modification is a serious issue and that articles like Hibma’s fail to disclose the truth about the numerous health, crop, and environmental concerns surrounding GMOs.
Perhaps the most controversial element of the ongoing GMO debate involves the potential health risks to those that consume them. Dr. …show more content…

The reason this debate is not as large as it should be is because people do not care, simply because they do not know enough to care. Perhaps the reason Monsanto felt the need to release an article was because its owners feared that people would soon become skeptical of GMOs, and that it would cause a decrease in their profit. If more people were educated on the various health, crop, and environmental risks associated with GM, the anti-GMO movement would gain more momentum. If more of the foods not genetically modified started having “non-GMO” labels, people would begin to wonder what the big deal is and become suspicious of those that do not. In the long run, there is a decision to make: whether to let GMOs run their course, or stop them before they have the chance to do some serious

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