
The Ethical And Legal Reasons For Maintaining Privacy

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The topic of this paper is privacy. It will talk about the ethical and legal reasons for maintain privacy. The audience for this paper is high school level teachers in a school with one-to-one devices for every student.
Instructional Setting, Audience, and Content Area
At High School One (a pseudonym) a rural 2A high school in Central Washington State. There are just over 1,000 students between 9th and 12th grade, with nearly 80% of the students identifying as white and just under 20% identifying as Hispanic. All students at High School One will be equipped with their own, school provided, Chromebook as part of the one-to-one implementation beginning with the 2016-17 school year. As this involves more than 1,000 students being connected to the internet for daily assignments, tests and score reporting, the ethical and legal issues of privacy are something teachers at High School One need to be aware of. In the 2016-17 school year, I will be teaching 152 students split between three sections of 10th grade World History and 11th grade U.S. History.
Ethical Reasons for Maintaining Confidentiality
While there are several legal reasons to maintain the privacy of students, there are also many ethical ones, such as not wanting to expose students to embarrassing disclosures or discrimination. For example, teachers at High School One have access to student data concerning health issues. I have had student who experience seizures, who have diabetes, and rare allergies. While

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