
The Cuban Revolution and Fidel Castro's Impact

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The Cuban revolution brought a lot of unrest to the people of Cuba. It was a time in Cuba where many people in Cuba didn’t have enough money for anything including money for food and shelter. Before the 1950’s, the troubles in Cuba life wasn’t all that bad. People would work in the sugar fields and would receive a hefty amount of cash during the sugar harvest season. Things started to change though as work came to an end and the people would have to take low paying jobs. Soon enough, people didn’t have enough money for food and their diet would consist of bananas and sweet potatoes. Before the revolution, Cuba was led by a corrupt ruler, Fulgencio Batista. In 1952, Batista took control of Cuba and did very little to improve the …show more content…

These centers helped increase the literacy rate to 96% in just two years. (Source 9) Today the literacy rate in Cuba is 99% and Cuba ranks number 2 out of 194 countries. (Source 9)
Under Fidel Castro, Cuba introduced a free health care service so that no one would have to pay for medical care. He also started a massive inoculation program because there was a very high infant death rate. (Source 7) Before the revolution, Cuba had 6,000 doctors. Of these, 64% worked in Havana where most of the rich people of Cuba lived. When Castro ordered for the doctors to be redistributed throughout the country to help all the people of Cuba, over half of the doctors decided to leave Cuba. To replace the doctors that left, Castro had Cuba build three new training skills centers for doctors. (Source 7)
Other good things Castro did were that his government built public housing to help the lower class people of Cuba, he set up large government run farms, he wanted to industrialize Cuba and he prohibited discrimination based on race, sex or class. (Source 3) These things helped the peasants and lower class people to finally have enough money to put food on the table.
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A bad thing that Castro did to the people was that he took away many of their basic freedoms. Cuban authorities began to treat things such as writing letters to the government, reporting on political or economic developments,

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