
Fidel Castro : Hero Or Villain

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Fidel Castro a Hero or Villain
The time of the Cuban Revolution was a great deal of turmoil, not just in Cuba but in almost every corner of the world. It was 1945, shortly after the end of World War Two, the Cold War was taking off between the United States and the Soviet Union. Cuba, in the middle of its own war, was caught up in the international politics of the Cold War. The interaction between international and domestic politics played a major role in the outcome of the revolution. The result of the revolution paved the way for the era of Fidel Castro.
Alejandro Castro Ruz was born on August 16th, 1926, in Mayari, Cuba. Castro was the illegitimate son of Ángel Castro y Argiz, a wealthy farmer and landowner. Castro reached his full …show more content…

In 1967, he also formed the Latin American Solidarity Organisation to foster revolution in select Latin American countries (OSPAAAL. National Museums).

In the 1970s, Castro continued to promote himself as the leading spokesperson for Third World countries by providing military support to pro Soviet forces in Angola, Ethiopia and Yemen. Though Cuba was still heavily subsidised by the Soviet government during this period, those expeditions ultimately proved unsuccessful and put a strain on the Cuban economy.
Castro 's regime has been credited with opening 10,000 new schools and increasing literacy to 98 percent.(Cuba Headlines 2009). Cubans enjoy a universal health care system, which has decreased infant mortality to 11 deaths in 1,000(Vanguard News 2016).
But at the same time, civil liberties were whittled away, as labour unions lost the right to strike, independent newspapers were shut down and religious institutions were harassed.
Castro removed opposition to his rule though executions and imprisonments, as well as through forced emigration. Though there are no exact numbers, the Cuba Archive estimates that tens of thousands were murdered, with a documented 5,600 killed by firing squads alone. Even more Cubans were killed by state forces when they tried to flee the country, which occurred during the 1980 Canimar River Massacre

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