
Summary: Getting A Real Job In Publishing

Decent Essays

“My role as I see it is to be the writer's best reader,” Faith Scale a fiction editor once said (87). Editors are a major part in publishing a book but if it wasn’t for an acquisitions editor your book wouldn't even have the opportunity to be published. An acquisition editor finds different books for their publishing house to publish. Being an acquisitions editor would be an interesting career choice because of what they do, the education that is needed to become one, and the different experiences the job puts you through.

Acquisition Editors basically read for a living. Elizabeth Demers says that they read manuscripts, which is the draft of the writing that is not yet published, they go to meeting with authors and sometimes flying to conferences …show more content…

This means they take part in a meeting with a group of editors and marketers to try and convince them that they need to publish the book. The acquisition editor that read the manuscript may think that the book is great, but they have to convince a number of other people. Elizabeth Demers said in her article Getting a Real Job in Publishing is to trust your instincts if you think that the book has a chance try your hardest to show your editing team the beauty. Sadly it isn’t all up to the acquisition editor if the book gets rejected or accepted. According to Elizabeth Demers article, the press editor determines if the manuscript has what it takes to become a finished book, in other words if the book will …show more content…

Sometimes if an author keeps bugging the editor about their book they will reject it. Acquisition editors read hundreds and hundreds of manuscripts and they don’t have time for an impatient author. A yes to an author's book takes time W. Terry Whalin said that one of her books took a year to convince a team to publish it. Almost all books get rejected at least once on their way to being published. The first Harry potter book was rejected by many publishing houses before someone signed it on. Acquisition editors reject all kinds of a book some even become top sellers when they do get published, but the editors have their reasons for the decline. Luckily there was one acquisition editor that saw the beauty that is Harry

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