
Success And Academic Success

Good Essays

Success, both in career and academics, does not come easy nor it happens overnight. It requires preparation, hard work, dedication and discipline. It also entails knowing your strengths, weaknesses, and knowing yourself. By succeeding in school, it also opens doors to a wide range of opportunities in the career world. Continuing academic readiness is consistently seeking advancement in ones education in preparation for any academic challenges along the way. There are few main aspects that contribute to one’s academic success; these include knowing what your goals are both academics and career, discovering your personal learning style, and utilizing outside resources that will help achieve one’s success.

There are two types of goals you want to establish in order to succeed both in academic and career; short term and long term goals. Short term goals are achieved in a short period of time. Accomplishing these short term goals helps motivate as you continue to reach your long term goal. For example, my short term goals is to be present for all scheduled in class attendance, complete all assignments, and seek further education to build success for future classes and assignments. Completing my short term goals leads my success into long term goals in academic success to contribute in my career success. Long term goals are accomplished further down the road. For example, the goal I plan to accomplish is to earn a bachelors degree in management by the year 2019 in order

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