
Academic Success

Decent Essays

EFFECTS ON ACADEMIC SUCCESS Although student-athletes are supposed to be attending college to receive an education, for most their academic success takes a back seat to athletics. Due to the athletic stressors placed on student-athletes and the demanding time commitments they have, it is difficult for them to get the best academic experience possible. It typically takes the average student-athlete six years to graduate rather than the normal four years and 88% of all student-athletes obtain their degree by the age of 30 while the average student graduates by the age of 21 or 22 (Brown, 2011). The Adjusted Graduation Gap (AGG), a model that compares athlete’s graduation rates by conference as well as compares them directly to the rates of non-athlete students at the same institution. According to the AGG, in most conferences, …show more content…

In the Pacific 12 Conference alone, football players graduated at a rate of 27% lower than non-athletic male students (Grasgreen, 2012). The Graduation Success Rate (GSR) shows improvement in athlete graduation rates yet the rates are still low. Division I men’s basketball players recorded a graduation rate of 67.7% and football players recorded a graduation rate of 68.6% (Grasgreen, 2011). While there are several factors that contribute to these low numbers, the time commitment placed on student-athletes has the greatest impact on their lack of academic success.
The time demands related to their sport makes it difficult for student athletes to completely devote themselves to their academic pursuits. After a long day of practice and training or even an athletic game, it is difficult for the athlete to have enough energy to put forth his or her best effort on his or her academics (Sharp & Sheilley, 2008). When teams have an away game during the week, student athletes may not return back to campus until 1:00 or 2:00 in the

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