
Source A By Alistair Cooke: Source Analysis

Better Essays

Question 1: Outline the perspective of the source:
Source A: Source A written by Alistair Cooke, gives us insight into an extreme American nationalist’s (as the guardian is an American newspaper) perspective on Fidel Castro. The source aims to inform readers that Fidel Castro is now the leader of Cuba. It also tells readers about Castro and questions how he was able to become leader as he is portrayed as weak and manipulative. This is evident in the following extract: “Batista’s domain could be conquered by an angry, though wealthy young man, whose first putsch against the island on December 1, 1956, left him with only twelve of the original force of 93 men”. The Guardian highlights this statistic to show his inability to protect those under …show more content…

Matthews beliefs were Pro - Castro, they first need to understand Matthew’s role in Castro’s unsuccessful military coup, in 1956. This was a period where following Castro’s failure to invade the Cuban Coast, he was believed to be dead and the glimmer of hope that a revolution would happen, was swiftly taken away. Then, New York Times writer Herbert L. Matthews published what is now considered one of the best scoops of the twentieth century. Matthews published an article which stated that not only was Castro alive, but he was comprehensively supported by a powerful army. In this article titled ‘Fidel visited in hideout’ when looking back at events prior to the revolution he describes Castro as “a hero”. Matthews portrayal of Castro, as a friend of the American people persuaded America to turn against Batista. This infamous article ‘Fidel visited in hideout’ which proved to be correct, gave Matthews significant publicity and an increased role within his job at the New York times. This implies that Matthews may not have been successful if not for Castro and therefore, is a huge influence on his perspective. Another factor behind Matthew’s perspective is that he supports Castro’s supposed political beliefs. This is shown in his article titled ‘Fidel Castro is still alive’ “The only power worth considering in Cuba is in the hands of Premier Castro, who is not only not Communist but decidedly anti-Communist” – Matthews. In conclusion, all of these points suggest that Castro’s political beliefs, contribution to Matthew’s success as well as the author’s sympathy towards Castro are all factors that lead to Matthews Pro- Castro

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