
Socialism In Cuba Essay

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Socialism is an economic and political system in which the state is responsible for the means of production and the exchange and distribution of goods and services in the society. Cuba’s journey to socialism began with of Fidel Castro’s July 26th Revolutionary movement. From 1953 till 1959, Castro and his supporters engaged in guerilla warfare against the right-wing Batista government. Castro, Che Guevara and the rebels successfully ousted Batista in January 1959 and established a revolutionary socialist state. Cuba’s economy before the revolution highlighted characteristics associated with economic dependency. About 75 percent of the country’s arable land was used for sugar production and this provided 80 percent of the country’s exports. There was a heavy American presence in the country’s economy with U.S. companies holding ownership of forty percent of the farms and 55 percent of the mills. American investors were also responsible for 90 percent of Cuba’s telecommunications and electrical services. Their stake also extended into transport, banking, cattle, mining, petroleum, and tourist industries. Majority of the country’s population was rural and poor, known as guajiros. However, Cuba’s small middle and upper classes enjoyed high levels of access to education, health …show more content…

Revolutionary leader, Fidel Castro condemned the unequal society that had risen from the market reforms of the past decade and a half. Hence, farmers markets were closed and small private businesses were shut down. This campaign highlighted the reemergence of reliance on Guevara’s ethical and nationalist arguments. Unfortunately, this period did not last long as it was shortly followed by the 1989 collapse of the Soviet bloc. This signified the end of Cuba’s reliance on the Soviet Union and the eastern bloc for aid and fair markets for

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