
Cuba's Relations with the United States Essay

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Cuba's Relations with the United States

In the early 1900’s, Cuba was a stomping ground for many of the rich and famous from the United States. Many famous movies stars and wealthy business entrepreneurs spend their vacations there along with a substantial amount of money. Trade and commerce between the United States and Cuba flowed freely and abundantly. Even with the Dictatorship-like regime of Batista, the countries benefited from the economic trade between them. This was all about to come crashing down as revolts against Batista occurred and Fidel Castro came to power within Cuba. It was after Castro took power that the United States changed its way in which it dealt with Cuba dramatically. The United States decided it would …show more content…

These problems along with the GNP of the country also dropping substantially caused Castro to start to look at how Communism might be able to help him out of these troubles.
The United States did not just put sanctions on Cuba after Castro came to power but also was trying to exert it’s power over the country when Batista was in power. The US wanted Batista to give up his leadership of the country so a new government could take over but the State Department was unsure how to go about accomplishing this since there wasn’t enough information to show what group could lead the Cuban people. These decisions that were made follow, albeit loosely, along the line of two decision models we have studied: the Presidential model and the Administrative Model. When the revolution in Cuba started, Dwight Eisenhower took the lead in telling his advisors what he wanted done. First off, arms were given to Batista’s militia through Eisenhower’s orders and then after Batista turned them upon his own countrymen, it was Eisenhower’s decision to place arms sanctions against them. This meant that they would not be sent anymore of the US’s artillery. The President only made decisions when there was a heightened awareness of what was going on in Cuba and it affected the US in some way. Another time this model was shown was during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Kennedy took matters into his own hands when it

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