
Skateboarding Persuasive Speech

Decent Essays

Skateboarding for Beginners: # Safety Essentials
So, you’re thinking of getting a new hobby that will challenge your physical, technical, and mental skills? Skateboarding may just be the right activity for you. Do you often wonder what it feels like to jump on a skateboard and stroll along the streets?
Can you imagine yourself learning new tricks while making new friends at the same time? Skateboarding may be an individual sport but you can actually learn from other people are more experienced. However, if you don’t have someone to teach you the basics, we’ll help you and give you a few tips.
Safety Gear
Remember, the most important thing you can do is to keep yourself safe and protected at all times. Before you even attempt to get on your …show more content…

Buy a pair of skateboard shoes. You can use your own sneakers or rubber shoes but it is more advisable to use skateboard footwear. Your sneakers might actually endanger you because it is not the proper footwear for this activity.

Skateboard shoes are designed with a flat sole for a better grip on the board. It is also built with extra support in areas which are more prone to wear and tear. This will prevent you from accidentally slipping from your board.

2. Wear a helmet. You may often come across skaters zooming around the alleys without a helmet. Don’t mind them and don’t feel intimidated.

Your safety should be your number one concern especially if you’re just starting out. In fact, if you go to a skate park, they usually require skaters to wear a helmet. When you’re starting to learn how to ride, you’ll likely fall from your board a number of times.

Wearing a helmet is a smart decision as it will protect your head from getting into a serious injury. Just imagine if you fall and accidentally land on your head without any protective gear. You’ll wish you had just worn your helmet instead.

3. Use protective pads. Similar to wearing a helmet, the same thing goes for paddings including elbow and knee pads if necessary. A pair of wrist braces may be a good choice to protect your hands if you fall

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