
Skateboarding History

Decent Essays

The History Of Skateboarding
By: Alex Hopkins

Surfers in California stared skateboarding in the 1950’s when surfers didn't have the waves they wanted. So they decided to surf on concrete. They took roller skates and slapped them on to a 2x4.the surfers rode on side walks and all over the place. People were amazed to see local surfers on these new things. In the 1960’s skateboarding was the big thing. The sports popularity was at it highest. Skateboard companies had competition with different types of skateboarding such as slalom and freestyle skating. Woody Woodward and other great skaters led the way of new skateboarders. Suddenly in 1965 skateboarding just sorta died. It was considered to be a fad that came and went, skateboarding basically went away in a blink of an eye. Some people still skated and continued making boards and make them better. One reason it faded was that the sport was extremely dangerous and caused many serious injuries. The …show more content…

Now it was possible for skateboarding to make its comeback. Frank started the company Cadillac wheels. In 1975 skateboard got the push they needed. In California a slalom and freestyle contest was held. The Zephyr team showed the world what skateboarding was.they rode their boards liking no one had ever seen before. Skateboarding was taken from a hobby to something serious and extremely 1978 a man named Alan Gefland invent a trick that gave skating a big jump literally. He would smash the back of his board on the ground and jump, therefore lifting himself and the board into air. The trick was named the ollie. That trick made skateboarding even bigger now being able to ollie on to thing and to trick combos. At the end of the 1970s skateboarding took a big hit when public parks that were build suffered from the huge insurance rates due to injuries at

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