
Single Mom Budget Essay

Decent Essays

Finances are the Achilles heel of any single parent household. As a single mom you must learn to properly budget all your expenses. To successfully deal with money in a household with children takes considerable skills and energy. But that doesn't mean that it isn't possible.

It is especially tough on moms who have been stay-at-home moms until now. Suddenly you have become the sole provider and even an accountant of sorts.

Well, budgeting isn't difficult. You just need to be really careful and document where the money is coming from and where it is going and in no time you will have it all under control.

Manage your Cash Flow

A budget is simply a plan. It covers all your expenses and money being earned. You can have a monthly or a weekly …show more content…

It's the expenses that need your special attention. The best way to add them up is to think of two separate things. First in your single mom budget plan are the fixed expenses. Round up all the utility bills of at least the past 6 months and see how much you spend on electricity, water and telephone bills every month. Then tally up the credit card bills.

Then account for your monthly expense on gas, food and groceries. Items that are variable expenses including clothing and entertainment. These all must be accounted for in your budget. But expenses incurred on all these things can be cut back with a little imagination.

Here, it is important that you have kept receipts and records of everything. Or else you will need to spend a couple of months saving them up before you can start building a successful single mom budget.
Save It Like You Mean It!

Entertainment expenses are the most frivolous of all and should be the first ones to go. Instead of going to the movies with the whole family, rent out a DVD and make it a fun experience with some homemade popcorn. Look for entertainment in unconventional ways. For example, a walk around the corner or to the local park with your kids and your pet is sometimes a very fulfilling experience for

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