
Budgeting 101 Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Budgeting 101

I figured we'd start with something everyone SHOULD know, but many don't. Budgeting and not going into debt.

A budget is how you avoid going overboard or lose track of your spending. No one wants 5-figures of consumer debt do they? Rule 1 is always budget with your NET income, which is your income after taxes.
Here's a basic budget outline and I will break down everything later: 35% Housing 15% Transportation 25% Life 15% Debt Repayment 10% Savings
Housing is expenses like rent, mortgage, utilities, cable, internet, property taxes, maintenance, etc.
Transportation would be car payments, gas, insurance, transit, etc.
Life: groceries, clothing, entertainment, gifts, dental, prescriptions, vacations, etc.
Debt repayment is

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