
Signs Miricle Paper

Better Essays

Samuel Nelms
BIBL 323—B16 LOU
Sign Miracle Paper
February 19, 2014

Introduction: In the Gospel of John there are eight miracle signs that are recorded that are performed by Jesus in this Gospel. In the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) the Prince of Life doesn’t show or give any miraculous signs to prove his authority. In the Abramic religions, these eight signs are actual events from the beginning of His ministry with the turning of water into wine to the final miracle of a miraculous catch of fish after the death and resurrection of Christ. Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of His disciples which are not recorded in the book But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah the Son …show more content…

The aim of this sign was simple belief and the first real sign of salvation. If you just believe in Christ you will be saved, the man didn’t question Jesus, he believed that the Lord could and would heal his son and because of that belief and faith it was so. This miracle reveals Christ’ power over space because He did not travel to Capernaum but just spoke the words and he was healed.

Healing of a Lame Man: There was a man who had been lame for thirty-eight years and lay by the pool every day waiting on someone to carry him to the pool of Bethesda. The pool of Bethesda was an annual tradition or even myth that whoever got to the pool first, after the water in wrestled by an Angle of the Lord they would be completely healed. The name Bethesda means “house of mercy”, and its waters were thought that under certain circumstance to have certain powers. The pool of Bethesda was a long rectangular used to clean animals about to be taken to the temple for sacrifice. The water was two to three feet deep and according to tradition, was left filthy by animals. From the edge of the pool down to the water was twenty to thirty foot long. The man was unable to get into the water by himself, so he was there a very long time. Jesus asked the man if he would like to be healed, and told him to get up, at once the man was healed, he picked up his mat and walked. Jesus performed this miracle on the Sabbath and did things that the Pharisees could not do.

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