
Difference Between Gospel Of John And Synoptic Gospels

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Difference between Gospel of John and Synoptic Gospels

The gospel of John does not have the birth story of Jesus as it is documented in the Synoptic gospels instead refers Christ as eternal word which became flesh. Gospel of John lacks records of Jesus’ Baptism by John the Baptist but instead records his baptism activities hence contradicting role of John the Baptist in Jesus’ Baptism. Another difference of gospel of John from the synoptic gospels is that there is no indication of temptation of Jesus by Satan but records that Jesus could not be tempted because of his unity with the Father. John indicates that Jesus taught without parables something contradicts synoptic gospels. There is no accounts of apocalypse in the gospel of John but instead indicates that Jesus completed his messianic role (Harris, 2014).

Additionally, John indicates most of Jesus works in Galilee and Jerusalem while synoptic gospels place it in Galilee and Judea. Jesus’ teachings in the four gospels were mainly in parables and there is account of Jesus speaking with any figure. In contrast gospel of John accounts that Jesus used philosophical speeches in his teachings and interacted with figures like Nicodemus. Another event that distance gospel of …show more content…

John composed this book to show how glorious messiah by using the miraculous signs. It is believed that Jesus performed seven Gospel Signs to prove that he was the messiah. One of the signs that Jesus used happened in Cana in Galilee when he turned water into wine. Jesus was attending a wedding ceremony together with his mother and the twelve disciples. At some point the host announced that they were out of wine and Jesus offered to help by changing 180 gallons of water to vintage wine. This miracle signified that God was present in his life and accommodative. He made his disciples to believe in him (Harris,

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