
Sherwood Middle School Essay

Decent Essays

The issue for Middle School students at SMS are the Chromebooks. The biggest problems involving the chromebooks are the responsibilities that come with them. The Chromebooks at Sherwood Middle School were a big problem for students. The Responsibilities that come with them are huge. In addition kids aren't able to change their backgrounds, do anything inappropriate with them, and if they dropped it or damaged it the school would have to replace it. First of all the chromebooks at Sherwood Middle School have had a problem with the backgrounds. More than half of the nation's primary and secondary school students which is over 30 million students use something that is linked with google. They also found out they weren't able to change them from a boring old rules page. Initially the rules page listed the rules for them, like what they can and can’t do.It also shows that students need to be respectful, and how to be safe with it, like not sharing the password. The student became as furious as a bull that can’t …show more content…

If they had the protection plan they would be saved. The protection plan is like it sounds if someone drops it, Loses it or does something else with it that harms it, they will replace it or fix it. If a student doesn't have the protection plan then they have to pay for the repair or replacement. There had been accidents with the chromebooks. Students have spilled glue on them, broke screens, dropped them, broken keys, and a lot more. Just imagine a middle school student tripping and dropping their chromebook down a set of stairs. Thud, Thud, Thud, Thud, CRASH!
As has been noted, the Chromebooks at Sherwood Middle School were a big problem. Kids had to be careful with them, couldn’t do anything inappropriate with them, and couldn't change their backgrounds. The school had gotten most of the problems fixed. The chromebooks were a big change for the students and

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