
Rodney King Riots: The Case Of Michael Brown

Decent Essays

2014: Two years after the death of Trayvon Martin, the world was introduced to Michael Brown, a Ferguson, Missouri Black native who had just become the next victim of a fatal officer involved shooting. In the early morning of August 9, 2014, the 18 year old man was said to be involved in a strong arm robbery of a convenience store. Officer Darren Wilson received the alert from the police dispatch and quickly surveyed the neighborhood until finding a walker who fit the victim’s description. The officer confronted the man, which was indeed Michael Brown, and continued to use aggressive tactics when questioning him. It is still unclear as to what transpired from the time the officer arrived to the ending result, but video from a bystander shows …show more content…

Brown continued to show aggressive force towards the officer in which Wilson, the officer, fired shots killing Brown. Officials decided to not arrest the officer and suspended him with pay until an investigation was complete. To the population, Browns death was seen as another result of a hate crime and the news spread quickly around the St. Louis area. But this time things were different (Edwards, pg10). Citizens decided to take matters into their own hand. Rioters swarmed the streets and began burning cars, destroying local businesses, and stealing goods. It was like a scene from the Rodney King riot that took place in 1992. Rioters went on a rampage for days burning down nearly 25 buildings, 2 police cruisers, 12 cars, and over 80 arrests made (note: many of the personnel who were arrested did not reside in the state of Missouri, meaning others traveled to St. Louis just to partake in the riots). Overall, $4.6 million in damages were caused. Protesters flooded the streets for nearly a year in hopes of getting justice for Mike Brown (Edwards, pg11-13). And On March 4, 2015, another court decisioning ruled in favor of the …show more content…

The Investigation concluded that Officer Wilson was within his rights to fire shots at Brown as self-defense. The world was shocked after the court’s ruling. Yet again, the Black community were in awe as another unfair ruling was made. People began to get furious with the law in the disbelief as to why these White men were getting away with murder. And as we see before, rioters took their anger and frustration out on the city, bringing more damagers to a city who were already suffering and trying to rebuild from the last rioting damages. From here, the Black Lives Matter community began to come worrisome as the Black Community lost case after case. Their protest did not have an impact on the judicial system. Many felt as if defeat was taking over due to justice not being

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