
Black Men And The American Civil Liberties Union

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According to to the American Civil Liberties Union, California’s research shows that black men are three times more likely to be stopped and frisked than whites. (Quigley) Some may say that this topic is based on nothing but opinions. That is not true. There are facts behind the accusations made by so many people accusing law enforcement agents of being racist. The job of law enforcement is to serve and protect the people, showing no bias towards any specific race, but this is not always the case.
While many think this is a perfect world where there is no racism, the reality is that everywhere in the world there is at least one person who is racist. Being a racist is difficult, especially in this day in age. Today there are all types of …show more content…

This statistic shows that the officers of the NYPD are judging blacks and assuming they are guilty before they even gather enough evidence. When black people are arrested, they receive ten percent longer sentences than white offenders, says the US Sentencing Commission, for the same crime. An obvious example of bias against black men is to incarcerate black men in jail for longer periods of time simply because of race. This is clearly a problem in the legal systems of the US. Eventually someone will get harmed in the middle of this racial discrimination. (Quigley)
On August 4th, 2014, an eighteen year old boy by the name of Michael Brown was killed by Darren Wilson. Mr. Wilson was an officer of the Ferguson Police Department. He was a twenty-eight year old white male and was accused of killing Michael out of racial hatred. This case was examined but not enough evidence was accumulated to charge Mr. Wilson with the murder of Michael (Moylan). This act of violence touched many people’s hearts but made many people angry. It was thought that the FPD was being racist when Michael was killed because of statistic after the investigation. The arrest rate in seven felonies in the FDP decreased by over fifty percent and the police commissioner stated that overall crime decreased. (Newsday) After these statistics were reviewed, some thought it was time for repercussions. This in turn was the reason behind

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