
Rite Of Passage Quotes

Decent Essays

Throughout the unit I’ve read several stories that all have a rite of passage in them. I’m picking three from the stories “The Scarlet Iris,” “On Turning Ten,” and “My Brother’s keeper.” Firstly I’m going to discuss the rite of passage in “The Scarlet Iris.” In "The Scarlet Ibis", the rite of passage that the narrator went through was the death of his brother. The narrator realizes through his brothers death that he was so focused on trying to make his brother “normal” that he didn’t focus on being more of an actual brother. Also that he could have prevented his brothers death if he wasn’t pushing him harder then what he was physically capable of doing. In the end it was the narrators pride and his unacceptance for his brothers handicapped that ended up pushing him to his death. The next rite of passage comes from the poem “On Turning Ten.” …show more content…

This rite of passage lead to the narrator feeling depressed, as said in the poem “this is where sadness begins.” I believe he feels depressed because he realizes that he is going to have to grow up and face life, instead of it being simple like when the narrator was younger. Also because of the quote “It seems only yesterday I used to believe there was nothing under my skin but light. If you cut me I would shine. But now if I fall upon the sidewalks of life, I skin my knees. I bleed.” That the narrator is aware of some of the complications and stress of growing up. The last rite of passage I am going to discuss is from “My Brother’s

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