
Examples Of Rite Of Passage In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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A rite of passage is a transition from one stage of life to another. These passages are pursued when one passes a milestone such as birth, maturity, and achieving adulthood. These milestones will clearly show changes in the characters life. It involves significant change in their views, and of society. A rite of passage is shown in Anthem, Shakespeare Bats Cleanup, and Great Expectations. The characters show significant changes as they transition through their life.. In Anthem by Ayn Rand Equality 7-2521 transitioned through stage of his life with his talents. Equality transitioned from being a typical street sweeper to Prometheus, a free man, escaped from society. Throughout his rite of passage, Equality put his talents to work and invented electricity with the litebulb. This discovery pushes him into a complete rebellion as the World Council threatens to destroy the lightbulb. Because he will not abide seeing the light bulb destroyed, even though he might tolerate his own destruction, he is forced into exile from his society. Equality had broken from his society and finally became free. Equality 7-2521 discarded his given name, which shows his frustration with his society, and his unwillingness to be held back by his …show more content…

He transitioned from being a melancholy boy to being appreciative of his life, by overcoming a tough loss. Kevin’s mother had passed, and he recently got diagnosed with mono. Being an avid baseball player, he acted dispirited being incapable of playing. Kevin’s father gave him a journal to spill his thoughts in. With this journal Kevin portrays the average thoughts of a fourteen year old boy, and talks frequently of his friends and the girls he is interested in. Kevin's perspective and his look on life is changed through his authoring of poetry. He gets closer to his father and together they transition to the next stage of their lives by overcoming a

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