
Rite Of Passage Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

The rite of passage that is most significant to me is being confident in yourself that is found in the passage You Are the Electric Boogaloo. Being confident in who yourself is important to me because there is always going to be people in this world that try to put you down.Being confident in yourselfs makes you be able to shake stuff off and not let what other people say about you affect you. There's always going to be people who try and make you feel bad about yourself.The quotes that i think relates the most for me is “Your immense dorkiness as a teen will be the center of your artistic life,the center of your sense of humor, the center of your ongoing friendships with so many of the kids you know back then.¨ Doing what you love is important to me because i think everyone should be able to do whatever makes them happy.I love playing sports and no one could ever take that away from me.Some people enjoy other things like dance. I love the fact he didn't let anyone stop him from dancing because that's what he loved to do. The quote i think best fits is ¨I love that you have the guts to go into Kennedy Mall in Dubuque, Iowa to dance across from Hot Sams Pretzels. You and your buddies go for broke in front of a small crowd (who all eat Hot Sams Pretzels)m and scream ¨ Dancing is not a crime!¨He didn't let anyone stop …show more content…

People never compliment anyone anymore so i always try to make people feel better and compliment them. I love it when someone takes time out of there day to tell me that i look good today or that they like my hair, something as small as that could make someone's day. You never know how much complimenting someone and telling them to keep doing what they are doing could mean to someone. The quote i think relates to this the most is ¨ Don't beat yourself up over it okay? Just relax and keep dancing by the highway, you splendid little

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